Moms and Baseball

097: Nutrition Essentials for Baseball Performance

Diana Stephens & Stephanie Malley with guest Tavis Piattoly Episode 97

Today we are discussing why nutrition is the most important piece of the performance puzzle for athletes. Our expert is Sports Dietitian, Tavis Piattoly. He's been working in the field of high performance and Sports Nutrition for the past 21 years designing personalized nutrition programs for high school, college, and professional athletes. 

Additional topics we discuss are:

  • What to eat before, or during, tournament games.
  • Hydration for hot weather baseball, electrolytes, and beet powder.
  • Some of the most  most recommend supplements for athletes include an Omega 3 FA, Creatine 3-5 grams per day, and a multivitamin with Vitamin D.
  • Supplement safety.
  • Eat 2 Win Nutrition App 

If you have any additional questions for Tavis, you can contact him through our page or by email at

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