Moms and Baseball

006: Moms and Baseball Stats

• Diana Stephens & Stephanie Malley • Episode 6

Do you really know the difference between a hit and ROE? Or do you understand OPS, SLG, and ERA? Here we discuss the most common baseball stats that parents and coaches might have access to. Scorekeepers in particular may learn a thing or two to help them score games more accurately (leading to more accurate stats) as well!

Stats discussed in this episode:
AB vs. PA - At Bat vs. Plate Appearance
FC - Fielder's Choice
Sac / SF - Sacrifice Bunt / Sacrifice Fly
AVG - Batting Average
OBP - On Base Percentage
SLG - Slugging Percentage
OPS - On-Base Plus Slugging
QAB - Quality At Bat
ROE - Reached On Error
RC - Run Contribution, made up by Diana 🤣
RBI - Runs Batted In

ERA - Earned Run Average
WHIP - Walks plus Hits per Inning Pitched
S% - Strike Percentage
FPS - First Pitch Strikes

SB / WP / PB / DI - Stolen Bases / Wild Pitches / Passed Balls / Defensive Indifference (Fielder's Choice)


Mambe Blankets mentioned in this episode:

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